Thursday, August 23, 2012

Be Radiant.

It sounds simple, but radiance is hard to show with the everyday hustle of life. We are so busy keeping up with schedules, work, children, networking and home life that it is easy to wear ourselves out. If you are truly joyful every single day for the people in your life, the career path you have chosen and the things you are surrounded by, then it is easy to exude radiance. Your pure happiness will shine through in every aspect of your life. I am guilty as the next to feel worn down by the daily grind, but I try to remember these four things everyday: to be kind to my husband with my words and actions, grateful for my amazing business and friendships, to feel beautiful inside and out, and to be as giving as possible in the glory of God. Some days are better than others, but at least I try. You HAVE to try to find happiness in your life and be grateful for what you have, what you have accomplished and have the strength to pursue your dreams. I feel so fortunate to do what I truly love everyday as I have followed my dreams. It is the most satisfying journey I have ever traveled. Live radiantly for your loved ones, colleagues and most importantly, for yourself. 

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